Restoration of Puerta de Alcalá, Madrid
Mecanismo Structural Engineering is participating as structural consultants in the restoration of Puerta de Alcalá in Madrid. It is always an honor and a great responsibility to participate in interventions in which we try to preserve and enhance the value of Architectural Heritage. Thus, after the projects we have recently developed in monumental sites such as the Cathedral of Toledo or the Casa del Labrador in Aranjuez, we face this new challenge with great enthusiasm.
From the studies that are being carried out and the evaluation of the degree of conservation of the monument, it has been concluded that there are problems that affect mainly the ornamental elements, which present a high degree of corrosion in their reinforcements, rods and metal staples, as a result of the sandblasting and displacement of the granite façade. It has been observed that a malfunctioning of the lead roof is promoting humidity and water condensation. A monitoring system has also been proposed with the aim of carrying out a detailed follow-up of the conditions.
Fernández Molina is in charge of carrying out the work, collaborating with Titanio Estudio, NovaScan3D, GEA geological consultancy and GEOARTEC. The work team has been led by the Dirección General of Cultural Heritage of the City Council of Madrid and the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain (IPCE).
In the following link, you can see a video about the works that are being carried out.